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Navigating Though the World

Andrew MacDonald

Image of Lounge and music room on Lusitania (Taken from creative commons)

In Gaze of the Abyss each level takes place on a different floor so I had to connect each floor in a interesting and natural manor. I decided to have the player work there way from the top of the ship to the bottom then back up again. The closer to the bottom of the ship the player gets the larger the lamprey people's presence would become. At the very bottom of the ship would be the nest of the Lamprey people and would have it's walls covered in eggs.

As the player goes further down the narrative and game play tension escalates. After reaching the bottom the player is given a brief respite as they navigate up the stairwell. When they finally reach the upper deck and find there deceased uncle they discover that the lamprey followed them up and the story climaxes. From then on it is a rush to the end as the player must escape the ship before they are caught.

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